Fascial Stretch Therapy (TM)

is a unique, complete and complementary system of table-based assisted stretching, focusing on the fascia and joint capsule as the key elements in achieving optimal flexibility, strength, performance and pain relief.

Fascia is a network of layered connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints. A joint capsule is also a connective tissue structure that surrounds joints and is involved in optimizing the mechanical function of the joint as well as gives it nutrients. When the fascia and joint capsules are restricted it can cause:

  • Decreased joint space which can lead to degenerative joint diseases and osteoarthritis
  • Increased muscle tone which can lead to trigger points, strains, tendonitis and tears
  • Increased nervous tissue tone which can lead to headaches, trigger points and muscle tightness
  • Increased scar tissue formation
  • Decreased blood flow and energy levels, and much more
  • Improved Posture
  • Increased Agility & Flexibility
  • Decreased Risk of Injuries
  • Improved Strength
  • Decreased Muscle Soreness
  • Improved Athletic Performance
  • Released Endorphins (natural pain suppressant)
  • Decreased Stress
  • Anti-Aging

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