Treating Chronic Tendon Pain at the Source
The TenJet System enables an ultrasound guided, percutaneous tenotomy and fasciotomy treatment to target the source of chronic tendon pain. The technology utilizes a two channel, 12-gauge needle specifically engineered to deliver a controlled supersonic stream of saline that differentiates between diseased and healthy tendons.
TenJet’s patented design uses the principles of flow dynamics to create an in-line Venturi suction effect to debride and evacuate diseased tissue instantaneously, enabling continuous visualization of changes in tendon pathology. The TenJet procedure is performed in an outpatient setting under a local anesthetic in approximately 15 minutes, providing patients with many of the benefits of surgical debridement.
Patient FAQ's
At the beginning of the procedure, you may feel some discomfort when the physician administers a local anesthetic. After your treatment, you may feel some soreness in the treated area that can be relieved with over-the-counter medications.
On average, you should experience pain relief within three months of treatment. Individual results may vary, and your physician will guide your post-treatment recovery plan.
Due to TenJet’s minimally invasive approach, stitches are not needed.